Global Leaders Summit
This is an Upper School Committee

GLS Topics
There is no simulation for upper school
Topic 1
Is it it moral to sacrifice a few to save the many?
Topic 2
A one world Government
President: Jacobo Ordóñez Armel
School: Colegio Colombo Británico
President: Simón Mejía Pérez
School: Colegio Colombo Británico
Contact your presidents:
GLS or Global Leaders Summit is a Model United Nations committee in which delegates represent different leaders and recognised individuals' ideologies, as opposed to representing countries. These leaders can be from different historical periods and different nationalities. They may have led countries or organisations, or have had a significant impact on the way that society thinks and acts. The point of this committee is to dive deep into your leader’s actions and beliefs, while also taking into account their time period and the reasoning behind their principles.
This committee will allow delegates to have a philosophical debate on world issues with historical input. Throughout the discussion, delegates will be able to see different perspectives towards world issues, while also exploring the philosophy of well-known historical leaders. The committee was created in CCBMUN in order to allow older delegates or delegates with a lot of experience to try something new.
The committee is made up of different leaders from past and present, who will bring their own experience into the debates. It is also important to know that during GLS your leader will be aware of all historical events prior to and after their death. They will also know all technical terms and current technologies. Finally, it is imperative for you to classify your leaders' decisions and experiences, in order to judge different global challenges and their reactions and opinions toward these.
Leaders must have in mind all their experiences and the important events they have lived through in order to propose and find solutions to the debate, according to their mindset. Leaders must also maintain their point of view and personality portrayed during their own lifetime, hence, their decisions and thoughts regarding the topics must be according to what their reaction would be if they were alive today.
Special Procedures
The GLS committee functions differently from the rest of the committees in CCBMUN. This is because, during GLS, delegates will be able to talk in the first person, being able to use pronouns such as “I”, “me” and “we”. They will also be able to specifically refer to different leaders during the debate. In addition to this, delegates can and are encouraged to come dressed as their leader, and won’t be restricted to the formal attire of the model. For example, if one’s leader is Cleopatra, one may come dressed in ancient Egyptian clothing. Nevertheless, it will still be required for students to respect the dress code of the model while remaining respectful and tolerant of all cultures. If there are any doubts about this you may contact the presidents for clarification.
Another important difference between GLS and other committees is the resolution process. On terminating the debate, the leaders will form together in different groups, where they will be required to write a guideline document. In this document, the leaders must explain a step by step process plan as to how the current issue should be resolved, or how the current issue should be handled. In this prescriptive document, the leaders must use historical and current quantitative and qualitative data to support their claims.
Finally, delegates will be required to send a portfolio before the model. This portfolio should include three different documents. The first document should contain two opening speeches, one for each topic, maintaining the same format as those in other committees. Additionally, delegates will submit a research document that will discuss both topics, and give the leader's perspective and possible solutions for each one. Finally, delegates must submit a biography of their leader, including a short description of their childhood, education, important events that marked their life, and their most recognizable work.
Committee Guide
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Room Allocation
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